Tuesday, March 9, 2010


If you like basketball at all, you know what March means - nonstop games at every level. During the first 10 years of my marriage, the only person suffering from March Madness was my dear husband. Now, there are at least two rabid fans and a third in training. My oldest son is as riveted as his dad while my youngest son would still rather draw the players than actually watch them play.

Needless to say, since my husband is a coach, March Madness has a different meaning for me. It is the last stretch after a long season for me. I am usually counting down the days until April arrives and with it, the re-emergence of not having to eat, breath and sleep basketball by proxy.

Actually March is my least favorite month of the year, and not just because I can't use the television. For one thing, it's not quite spring but not quite winter. I am usually longing for some sunshine about this time and don't want to even think about snow or cold temperatures. It is usually extremely muddy which is always interesting with a long-haired dog. It is the beginning of shedding season for afore-mentioned dog (NOT my favorite chore!). It is usually ugly outside with brown grass, bare branches and puddles everywhere. Not to mention, it seems everyone starts sniffling and sneezing with some bug or other.

Nope, March is definitely not my favorite month - by a long shot. But this month, I thought I would dedicate it to God. I decided to fast from two of my favorite things - eating out by myself (with a good book!) and hanging out on an internet bulletin board with other moms. These two things tend to be crutches in my life - the eating out gives me a way to escape all the things waiting for me to do at home and hanging out with my online friends is a way to vent and share my opinion ad nauseaum! (and who can get enough of my opinions? lol )

It sounded so spiritual to me - fasting from these things and praying that God would reveal to me three things - my false gods, my false beliefs and my false motivations. God does have a sense of humor. I have to admit to being very crabby these first few days of March. My oldest son has had some medical issues so I spent Monday at the hospital while he did a barium swallow (yum, yum). Today, I went to a hemotologist and learned that I need an iron transfusion. Don't get me wrong - I am thankful that I will finally have some energy - but somehow I thought, fasting and all, that I would be on this spiritual high. I would be calm and serene despite circumstances. I would be above the turmoil of this earth.

That is SO not the case! As I said, I've been crabby and irritable. I spent my prayer time this morning in tears, telling God I was really tired and didn't want to get up! (to get the full picture, add a foot stomp in there). If you asked my students, they would tell you not to mess with me this week.

I plan on blogging a couple times a week this month to record what I am learning and what God is showing me. Right now, I think He's showing me that I need to lay all my burdens down - that He will carry them for me. He's showing me that I need to focus on what is important and not on all the peripheals that don't really matter.

Hopefully, I can quit being crabby too!
~ Blessings, Bronte

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