Wednesday, February 15, 2012


During the summer of 2010, I decided to quit my teaching job and do some subbing. So, I went through the process of applying for a sub license. I carefully tucked the license away in my files and bought numerous books on subbing and prepared my sub "bag of tricks."

I really didn't expect any calls the first few weeks of school, but I had my bag ready and waiting to go. All I needed was for that phone to ring! So, every morning I woke up about 6 a.m. with a feeling of expectation. I waited for that first phone call with excitement and a small dose of trepidation.

I waited and I waited some more.

By November, I realized I was going to have to come up with a plan B. Within a few weeks, I had landed my current gig at the Lima News writing the religion page and student profiles every week and I also became a tutor at Sylvan.

I kept expecting my phone to ring any day with an offer to sub at one of the MANY schools I signed up for. No call ever came the entire school year.

Talking to other people, I found out this was practically unheard of, so I chalked it up to God knowing best.

This past year, I didn't even expect any calls at all. And I didn't get any.

Until today.

So, I have my first subbing job one and half years AFTER I signed up for my sub license. Not only do I have my first subbing job at a different school, but tomorrow I sub at TCS. So, two subbing jobs in the same week. Who would have guessed??

God provides, but He often does it in ways I just don't expect. Today, as I was meditating on God's lovingkindness (part of my challenge from my previous post), I came across a verse that said that the paths God leads us on are His lovingkindness. That just really hit me because often I don't like a particular path for whatever reason, but it says He leads on these paths and THAT is HIM showing His lovingkindness to me.

As I try to stay accountable in the three challenges I have set for myself - not moving my "whining" bracelet (which I haven't had to move today at all - mostly because I've been sitting here by myself), meditating in the morning on God's lovingkindness and His faithfulness at night (in the interest of complete honesty - I completely forgot to do this last night but I put my thankful journal right by my bed so no forgetting tonight!!!); and seeing various attributes in my husband to thank God for (yesterday was honorable which is a piece of cake since my hubby is, by definition, honorable!) - I realize that this will be an interesting path. That's okay though because it shows God's merciful favor toward me.

I'm excited to see the paths God leads me down in coming weeks. I don't know exactly what lies ahead, but I do no one thing - they will never be boring!

~ Blessings, Bronte

1 comment:

  1. "I'm excited to see the paths God leads me down in coming weeks. I don't know exactly what lies ahead, but I do no one thing - they will never be boring!" - AMEN!

    At least with always have the Lord and each other! :)
